Monday, June 28, 2010

Senator Kleagle sheds this mortal coil.

The most prominent living member of the Democrat Party's former intimidation and enforcement arm is dead. Robert Byrd's name will live on in the umpteen billion landmarks to his humility which have been erected in West Virginia, but his past has long been buried or downplayed by a party whose sole convictions are the accumulation of power and affirmations of their superior virtue.

But hey, if a party man like segregationist Jimmy Carter can assure his constituents that the new white school won't be built where they'll have to cross paths with the black kids walking to their school and one day rise to the status of revered elder statesman, then why not Byrd? It's not like he urged violent revolution and blew shit up like a certain professor and sought after left wing speaker friend of the president's. History is for bludgeoning other people. The left is all about pretending inconvenient things never happened. There's a narrative to protect, after all.

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