Friday, October 17, 2008


Note to self: Never play football with your son in the front yard. And if you should choose to ignore this advice and the Democratic presidential candidate makes a random unannounced stop in your neighborhood, run inside and hide. If you choose to ignore that advice and the candidate comes up to you, don't be polite and tell him you're an undecided voter. And don't proceed to ask him a question. And if you choose to ignore all that advice, don't ask him a simple question that he will give a stupid, embarassing and revealing answer to for the whole country to see. Got that?

This has to be the funniest thing I've seen since we first learned that Sarah Palin was a secessionist tanning bed owner who banned books which hadn't been written yet. What. The. Fuck. is going on here? This video, much like the Palin secessionist scam video that the Obama campaign astroturfed, is professionally produced. Yet it almost feels like a parody.

That's not the weirdest of it though. How is it that the media has been so thorough that we know that Joe has a tax lien on him but there hasn't been a mention in the mainstream press that the same is true of Obama's own campaign treasurer? And could there be anything more bizarre than a moron Obama campaign person saying that McCain didn't vet Joe? The left is actually trying to give the impression that this guy moved into his home as a Republican sleeper agent on the off chance that a presidential candidate would show up in his yard. I hear what they're saying. A few years ago I bought condoms, lube and whipped cream in case Jessica Biel wanders into my apartment building next week.

A couple more nuggets about this surreal, funny if it weren't so disturbing, nonsense. All courtesy of a moment where Obama lowered his guard about the hopey changey Kool Aidey bullshit and misspoke truthfully.

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