Monday, October 27, 2008

Don't ask the Obama campaign tough questions

These poor, poor little budding fascists. It isn't enough that the bulk of the national media is indistinguishable from the Obama campaign. Their relationship has been sort of like that between the clownfish and sea anenome, though the analogy breaks down because I'm not sure which is the clown and which is the poisonous predator.

Nonetheless it seems pretty clear that the Obama campaign has grown so accustomed to a free ride that any interrogatories which stray from that are so jarring that they feel like attacks. Weird. Creepy. Imagine being appalled by challenging questions.

Just remember:

If you're a TV anchor in Florida, don't ask any challenging questions or your station will be banned from further access.

If you're a TV anchor in Philadelphia, don't ask any challenging questions or your station will be banned from further access.

If you are student journalists and break a story about Obama campaign workers engaged in vote fraud in Ohio, watch out for dweeby hack lawyers for the Obama campaign issuing threats to you.

From: Rosenberg, Thomas
Date: Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 2:32 PM
Subject: At least in today’s blog you spelled my last name right
To: tiffany

In other words, I am going to read what you write and watch what you say. Hopefully you will be fair and impartial as you told me you would be.

Thomas L. Rosenberg
Roetzel & Andress, LPA

Columbus, OH 43215

h/t: Greta wire

I believe I'll spell this lawyer's name Thomas L. Rosencock. Brave man, trying to intimidate college girls for reporting the truth. Then again maybe they'd laughed at his effeminate features and visible from outer space hairpiece. I'd be angry too if I was a fucking loser and practicing law in Columbus, Ohio.

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